HIRA – Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Program
HIRA is a global due diligence program wherein food safety and minimizing of the risks is implemented through continuous monitoring by gap analysis, planning control measures and training of food handlers.
This is a facilitation program towards registration of food establishments including hotels, restaurants, hospitals food chains and food vending units. This program is devised to take pressure off from food units towards any food related regulatory activity. This is a consolidated project covering the complete process of FSMS as per statutory need of the food establishments.
The program starts with a HIRA visit by TQS Team for detailed Inspection, as per National Regulatory Compliances on FSMS Specifications in order to gather and analyze information before executing HIRA.
The program is continuously reviewed for its adequacy and system performance by experts from different sectors of food industry in India and abroad. It has undergone time to time modification through incorporation of changes suggested by an expert panel. And further, till date it has been recognized as the most effective pattern of implementation of food safety in the present Indian scenario by FSSAI